Obituary Sensei Packer

It was with great sadness that I was informed of David Packer, Sensei who passed away on Tuesday the 1st August 2023.

Sensei Packer was one of Ralph Reynolds, Shihan’s, early students and stayed with the Aikido Fellowship of Great Britain until the death of Shihan Reynolds. Throughout that time, he was one of the most senior of Yudanshakai members. He was highly respected and I cannot think of anyone who did not hold him in the highest regard. His passing reminds us all that we are but mere mortals living our allotted time, whatever that may be.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family in this difficult time.

Dominic Foster, Sensei

Head of the Aikido Fellowship of Great Britain.

Sensei Packer and Sensei Foster
Sensei Packer and Sensei Foster

Obituary for Sensei Packer